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HeRo CREATE Healthcare Robotics Seminar with Jessica Burgner-Kahrs | May 14, 2020 | UofT Robotics
RI Seminar - Jessica Burgner-Kahrs from Continuum Robotics Lab
How Neuralink Works ðŸ§
HeRo Seminar Russ Taylor at UofT Robotics Institute
She is $50 richer and a LEGEND! 🤣 #shorts
How Technology is Making Food Faster, Better, and Safer, for More People
(8D audio) A New Paradigm or History Repeating Itself?
A More Perfect User: White House Rhetoric about Technology & Anxieties about Race, Gender, and Class
Seminar: David Rosen at UofT Robotics Institute
Dr. Rory Cooper "Participatory Action Design and Engineering: Forging a New Freedom!"
PIA Live Learn Work and Play in PA
Talk on "Robotic technology in knee surgery" with Q&A session Dr Taufiq Panjwani